Thursday, May 06, 2010

Because Association


I have a new blog, started with a few other people, possibly more interesting than myself.

Head over to

Why? Just because.

Music, video games, films, and all night disco parties!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Radio silence

I am so bad at this. Delay after delay.

I have decided making lists of my favourite albums of the 2000s would end up being an unorganised mess, with only a few differences to many other critics' choices. Good records are recognised as such, usually by a majority. What is the worth in me posting that my favourite album of the decade was Arcade Fire's "Funeral" when it has been said a million times before?

A couple of artists whose output was criminally underrated in the last ten years would have to be Junior Senior and Mansun. These bands commanded a huge chunk of my listening time during school and university, and I can still put on any of their albums and enjoy their work from start to finish.

In the next few posts I am going to compile mixtapes for you to download, mainly of cool tracks I have found in the week. That should give me something worth posting, and ultimately worth reading this crappy blog for.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Good feelings.

Discovering something awesome really does make the day worth waking up for. This War track is from their 1979 album The Music Band, and it has everything required to be a funk classic.

And THIS!:

Definite classic. Dancefloor dynamite. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

R.I.P. Teddy Pendergrass

Sad times. Another great has passed.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

2010 - The Year Of The Future!

Happy new year/decade! And happy new dancing female body builders!

Good Shoes are pretty damn good. Enjoy.

And when I get round to it, I will post up my "best albums of the 2000s". Should be a few different choices to the usual opinion-peddlers.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


11th January 2010! Can't wait. I'll have to make do with looking at this poster near my flat until then.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Queue? Que?

Since moving to London last year I have been horrified to find that people here are seemingly unable to form a queue. Not for anything.

I have no idea why this is. Maybe Londoners' lives are so busy they have no time these days to stand in a line? Maybe they feel they are more important than everyone else (as those from outside the M25 have often suspected)? Or maybe it is because a lot of people who live here are from other countries where politeness is not a traditional custom?

Luckily, the Japanese love a good queue, and they will wait for anything. EVEN iPhones (mugs!). Britons now prefer to create a shapeless rabble and shove their way to the front. Shops, buses, hot dog stands. If I wanted barging out of the way on a regular basis I would take up rugby.

Actually, that is a lie, I would never willingly play rugby. Psyche.

Modern manners leave a lot to be desired. I haven't seen a man doff his cap to a lady in a long time. Next time you don your hat, doff.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Forgotten texts

Well, isn't this something. A year and a half after last posting I have finally bothered to post again. Basically, I just got my hands on the best phone in the world, the Nokia N900, and I can do everything from there like blog and tweet and generally whore my thoughts out while on the go. Beautiful.

My website is also slightly altered (not improved mind you), so check that out for the awesome Soul and Funk Selections mixtapes.

Until next time!(?)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fear and Employment in London

I have today accepted an offer of employment with Halo Post Production, working freelance as a Runner for 3 months. It is a relief to have found something so quickly. Not sure what they are working on at the moment but I'm sure I'll soon find out.

Finding out that potato waffles can be cooked in the toaster has proved to be a revelation. Waffles, a bag of salad and some tomato ketchup... Divine. And I love that biscuits are so cheap. Vitamin B is very important for the upkeep of healthy Nestlé profits.

Monday, July 07, 2008

One week

I've managed not to get run over or set on fire in the week I have been living here so that can only be a good thing. Finding a way around the city is getting easier, and the best way really is to learn where places are in terms of landmarks. Applying for as many jobs as I possibly can at the moment, and hopefully something will come up very soon.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Great Escape

Hello. This is the view from my new bedroom window. This is also the beginning of tube riding, angular haircut acquisition, malnutrition and high-rise living.

I have been in London for 2 days and the weather has decided to be very, very warm. It feels like I have moved to Spain or gone there on holiday. However, this is not a holiday, this is permanent. Now I am here I want to make it work.

This site is intended to be an account of what I am getting up to 250miles away from home, for those of you to read if you are at all interested. Hopefully I'll have something to write about other than hanging around in crack dens drinking strong cider.

Feel free to leave any comments or questions after the posts, I'll reply as soon as I can.